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As we age, we begin to feel pain and stiffness in our joints. In some cases, it’s nothing that a little rest can’t sort out, in others, it’s the onset of arthritis—a condition caused by inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joints.

While there are numerous types of arthritis, there are two that are most common:

  • Osteoarthritis—which is actually the most common type, develops with age and commonly affects fingers, knees and hips.  It could also be the result of an injury.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis—which is an autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorder that affects joints and bones, and even internal organs and systems.

The best way to tell if you do have arthritis is by paying attention to what your body tells you. Arthritis’ main symptom, regardless of type, is pain. And if you find that it’s becoming hard to move around due to pain in your joints, then you should seek out the expertise of your physician to determine whether or not you’re suffering from this condition.

Once your doctor has determined that arthritis is indeed the cause of your discomfort and pain, you will be given steps on how you can best treat the condition. Among possible options, include a prescription for pain medication that can help with the inflammation and pain.

Along with your doctor’s recommended steps for treatment, you may also try the following to manage your condition:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet to maintain your weight. Too much weight can do more damage to your already fragile knees and hips.

  • Gentle exercise is recommended. Leisurely walks once a day help to move your joints around and keep you limber.

  • Follow your doctor’s medication plan closely. Do not overmedicate simply because you feel discomfort.

  • Warm showers in the morning have been said to help manage the pain and keep the swelling down.

  • Wear compression sleeves to provide support for major joints and encourage healthy blood flow to your affected joints.

  • Coordinate with your doctor and show up to your check ups and appointments. 

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