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Maybe you’ve just been diagnosed with arthritis. Or you could be a long-time sufferer of chronic joint pain. Maybe you’re trying to find resources that will help you make sense of your condition, find a treatment plan, or simply want to find others who share the same challenges and experiences.

A lot of people who suffer from arthritis tend to feel alone and isolated. We at Doctor Arthritis would like to assure you that this is not true—especially in this day and age. One in four people over the age of 18 are diagnosed with arthritis at some point in their life. That’s over 50 million adults. And by 2040, this number is expected to jump to over 78 million.

It’s also important to keep in mind we live in age where information is literally in the palm of our hand. You just need to know where to find it. That’s why we’ve gathered some of our favorite arthritis blogs written by real people who, like you, have to live with the frustrations and challenges associated with this condition.

Daniel Malito’s journal

A long-time sufferer of arthritis, Daniel was diagnosed when he was only 11 years old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Now well into adulthood, Malito shares his journey with a big punch of humor. His goal is to make people who struggle with the condition laugh, but also educate them.

Janine Monty’s blog

Better known as the Arthritic Chick, Janine says her goal is to “tell it like it is”, what’s really like to live with autoimmune arthritis. Her blog is a collection of stories about her attempts to manage her condition through therapy, diet and medication, but is also punctuated by her optimism and positive outlook.

Aimee Espinoza’s Stronger Than RA

Aimee’s search for others who shared the same challenges and struggle as her led to her starting her blog, Stronger Than RA. Something as simple as knowing that there were others who felt the same symptoms or faced the same problems, especially when it came to dealing with doctors and finding the right treatment can be comforting if you suffer from arthritis.

She also wants to assert that despite suffering from chronic pain, it is possible to live an active life—and she continues to advocate this through her writing.

Stefanie Larsen’s

People have the impression that arthritis is an “old person’s disease.” But children as young as a year old can get arthritis too. Stefanie was one such child and has not known a life without juvenile arthritis

Now in her late twenties, Stefanie wants to serve as a resource for other children, young adults and parents whose kids suffer from the same condition. Her stories are refreshingly relatable, especially ones that focus on typical young adult experiences like starting college life.

Jonathan Hunter’s blog

Diagnosed in his early 40s, Jonathan’s blog follows a unique male perspective. His goal, like many others, was to reach out to fellow sufferers and create a community to make him feel less isolated about dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.

He focuses mostly on the lessons that one can learn through the daily challenges of living with arthritis. And whatever insight he gleans, he shares on this blog.

This is by no means a complete post of blogs that you can find online about arthritis. And it was especially hard to whittle it down to our top 5. We do hope however that the ones we mentioned above become helpful resources that underscore the fact that there are others who share your experiences with this disease. 

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