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May is Arthritis Awareness Month

Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Support Arthritis Awareness Month

1 in 7 people in your life suffers from arthritis. 

They could be a parent, a partner, a friend, it might even be you. 

One of the biggest challenges cited by arthritis sufferers is that people around us just don't understand what we're going through. This is why we tend to shut loved ones out and isolate ourselves, leading to us having to deal with the challenges of this condition alone.

While it’s typical, it’s something that we here at Dr. Arthritis hopes to change. Arthritis may be difficult to grasp by those who don’t suffer through it themselves, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. So in the spirit of Arthritis Awareness Month, there’s no better time than now to talk about what we can do raise awareness about a condition that affects millions—young and old alike.

1. Start an exercise program with friends

Exercising can be difficult when your joints are working against you, but incorporating some physical activity into your daily routine can really help keep your joints healthy.

Gentle exercise for arthritis

Something simple and low-impact, like walking and other muscle strengthening exercises can do wonders for improving pain as well as range of motion. Invite friends and loved ones to join you on this. Not only can they provide support, you can also use this time to open up about what you’re going through.

2. Reach out to other arthritis sufferers

Time and again, we take the time to remind everyone in this community that they are not alone. Millions of people suffer from arthritis. If you find that your own immediate circle are unable to understand what you’re going through because they don’t have the disease, know that there others all over the world, from all age groups, living different lifestyles, that know exactly the pain and frustration you feel.

They know precisely what you feel when you get a flare up; they understand the exasperation you feel about how unpredictable arthritis is; they know the level of exhaustion you mean when you say you’re tired.

3. Get involved

There are a lot of organizations and groups that support research to further new treatment and interventions for arthritis. Like a lot of other causes, your contribution, in any capacity—whether you’re donating time as a volunteer or additional resources for funding—can make a huge difference.


4. Learn more about your condition

Join communities, subscribe to blogs, do your research.

Learning more about arthritis can help you learn more about your condition and how to manage it. It can also help you understand what you’re going through, make you feel less alone, allow you to explain your symptoms better to your doctors to receive better treatment, and maybe even help you articulate what you’re going through to your friends and loved ones.

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